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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Something Old, Something New, and Something Blue.

Nope not a wedding, my living room!  Finally after a year of staring at the most awful fireplace monstrosity Mister and I pulled on the shoes of Weekend Warriors and had at it.  At first I had intended to replace the red couch with a tan one, but I found out I love, love, love turquoise and red together. 

Yuck, yuck, yuckity yuck.
 Now it feels like home.
 A little showing off of the Pottery Barn knock-off hurricane candle holders I made for under, get this, $15 for all three!
 And the Pièce de résistance, my yarn wrapped monogram letter T with scrap paper roses and embellishments. I just need to frame this baby!

I love it.  Every time I walk in my front door and enter with a smile on my face.  It really is home now, because it looks like what home feels like in my heart.  Besides the new mantel shelf is the perfect excuse to be crafty e.v.e.r.y. season of the year.  Oh the ideas that are rolling around my brain!

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